Category: Articles / Publications
Einstein was Wrong about Gravity
In 1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, the geometric theory of gravitation that is the current description of gravity in modern physics. Einstein proposed that gravity is the result of a geometric distortion of 4-dimensional spacetime by massive objects. The more mass that produces gravity in a body, the more distortion you…
A ‘Big Bang’ Never Happened
The prevailing scientific belief is that the universe was created by a ‘big bang’ explosion. This is an impossibility. Big bang theory imagines that somehow the universe spontaneously created itself from nothing. This whimsical idea defies both physics and logic. Nothing cannot be the cause of something. Aristotle expressed it this way, “The notion that…
Cholesterol is Irrelevant to Heart Disease
Heart disease was an uncommon cause of death at the beginning of the 20th century, a time when meat and butter were mainstays of the American diet. Beef, bacon, sausages, and pork were consumed in relatively large quantities. Thus, there is no causal link between the consumption of cholesterol and the etiology of heart disease.A…
Doctors Don’t Understand Thyroid Function
Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is both rampant and underdiagnosed. The reason it goes undetected is because laboratory tests measure only the presence of thyroid hormone in the blood but cannot tell us how much active hormone reaches the bodily cells that require it for their metabolism. The main function of the thyroid gland is to…
Epidemic of False Diagnoses of Autism
In 2018, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 1 in 44 children were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, for a prevalence rate of 2.27% of the population. In 2012, a review of global prevalence of autism found 62 cases per 1,000 people, for a prevalence rate of 0.62% of the population. This…
Fetuses Have No Rights
There are no rights to any piece of tissue growing within a woman, even if in time it has the potential to become a human being. A potentiality is not an actuality; and a fertilized ovum, embryo, or fetus is not a human being. That which lives within the body of another can claim no…
The Government Fallacy
Government is the great fiction through which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else. Government has no money of its own. It can only give to some what it takes from others. It can spend only what it ultimately collects from taxpayers. Government cannot create wealth; it can only redistribute wealth. Government…
Trump’s Tariffs are a Tax on Americans
“Tariffs are a tax on the economy.” – Alan Greenspan Tariffs are taxes intended to make foreign goods more expensive. Overlooked are how the secondary consequences of tariffs have deleterious effects that filter through the entire domestic economy. Tariffs are a tax on consumption. Tariffs paid by importing businesses are passed on to consumers in…
Vitamin C: Genetic Nutrient Deficiency
We humans suffer from hypoascorbemia, a genetic defect that restricts us from producing ascorbic acid (vitamin C) internally the way almost all other mammals do. Hypoascorbemia is a genetic disease caused by a defect in the gene that controls synthesis of the enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, the final one of a series of enzymes utilized by…
Immigration Benefits the Economy
“Immigration restrictions make us poorer.” – Adam Smith Institute Most immigrants to the U.S. are highly educated in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. This influx of scientists and engineers enables domestic businesses to innovate, expand production, and build new facilities. Also, it is estimated that immigrants establish 25% of new high-tech companies that generate income…