David Rowland

Is the Voice of Reason

Einstein was Wrong about Gravity

In 1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, the geometric theory of gravitation that is the current description of gravity in modern physics. Einstein proposed that gravity is the result of a geometric distortion of 4-dimensional spacetime by massive objects. The more mass that produces gravity in a body, the more distortion you get. Massive objects bend the space around them, causing other objects to deviate from the straight lines they otherwise would have followed. Einstein used the invalid Minkowski spacetime model to depict graphically the gravitational forces implied in general relativity. In this fanciful model, a massive object (planet or star) appears to be sitting on a fourth- dimensional spacetime fabric, weighing it down, as a heavy ball would do a rubber membrane in three dimensions. A beam of light passing close by the Sun, for example, would theoretically follow the tip of the curved spacetime fabric, causing it to bend towards the Sun rather than pass by it in a straight line.

Mathematical Irrelevance: Geometric spacetime is mathematical fiction. False Assumptions: (1) Spacetime is real. (2) Spacetime curves. (3) Spacetime interacts with gravity. Spacetime is the geometric illusion that can be expressed algebraically as 3 D + 0 D = 4 D (where D = dimension). Spacetime is an invalid theory. Geometry is the mathematics which describes the properties and relations of points, lines, and surfaces – as well as the relative locations of objects. Mathematics is an abstract form of measurement and not a physical thing. As such, geometry can neither cause nor be influenced by anything that exists in physical reality.

False Conclusion: General relativity fails because it presumes that a physical force (gravity) interacts with an abstraction (geometry) that has no physical existence.

Reference: Rowland D. What We Know about the Universe that Isn’t So: Astrophysics Defies Logic. Seattle, 2024: Amazon.com Inc., pp 15-16.