Aramaic is the ancient language in which many parts of the Bible were written. In the original Aramaic text, Mary is referred to as “a young woman of marriageable” age. This phrase was later mistranslated as “virgin”.
There was no virgin birth. Mary and Joseph were married. Their son, Jesus, was born into the world the same way that all children are.
There was no Star of Bethlehem, no wise men bearing gifts, and no shepherds. Jesus’ birth was an unremarkable event that may have occurred on or about the 7th of December.
It wasn’t until the year 336 CE that the Catholic church concocted its retroactive nativity story. They claimed December 25th to be Jesus’ birth date to replace the Pagan celebration of Yule (winter solstice) that falls on December 21st or 22nd of every year.
The only place in the Bible where the alleged Star of Bethlehem and gifts of the magi are stated is in four verses of the Gospel of Matthew. There is no mention of this fabricated event in the Gospels of Mark, Luke, or John – nor in the Gospel of Peter, which was rejected for inclusion in the Bible. Clearly, the Gospel of Matthew (first book of the New Testament) has been retroactively altered to create the Christmas nativity myth.
Reference: Rowland D. Logic Can Take You Everywhere. Seattle, 2024: Inc., pp 45-46.